Different classifiers in decoding the Haxby dataset#

Here we compare different classifiers on a visual object recognition decoding task.

Loading the data#

# We start by loading data using nilearn dataset fetcher
from nilearn import datasets
from nilearn.image import get_data
# by default 2nd subject data will be fetched
haxby_dataset = datasets.fetch_haxby()

# print basic information on the dataset
print('First subject anatomical nifti image (3D) located is at: %s' %
print('First subject functional nifti image (4D) is located at: %s' %

# load labels
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
labels = pd.read_csv(haxby_dataset.session_target[0], sep=" ")
stimuli = labels['labels']

# identify resting state (baseline) labels in order to be able to remove them
resting_state = (stimuli == 'rest')

# extract the indices of the images corresponding to some condition or task
task_mask = np.logical_not(resting_state)

# find names of remaining active labels
categories = stimuli[task_mask].unique()

# extract tags indicating to which acquisition run a tag belongs
session_labels = labels['chunks'][task_mask]

# Load the fMRI data
# For decoding, standardizing is often very important
mask_filename = haxby_dataset.mask_vt[0]
func_filename = haxby_dataset.func[0]

# Because the data is in one single large 4D image, we need to use
# index_img to do the split easily.
from nilearn.image import index_img
fmri_niimgs = index_img(func_filename, task_mask)
classification_target = stimuli[task_mask]
First subject anatomical nifti image (3D) located is at: /home/alexis/nilearn_data/haxby2001/subj2/anat.nii.gz
First subject functional nifti image (4D) is located at: /home/alexis/nilearn_data/haxby2001/subj2/bold.nii.gz

Training the decoder#

# Then we define the various classifiers that we use
classifiers = ['svc_l2', 'svc_l1', 'logistic_l1',
               'logistic_l2', 'ridge_classifier']

# Here we compute prediction scores and run time for all these
# classifiers
import time
from nilearn.decoding import Decoder
from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneGroupOut

cv = LeaveOneGroupOut()
classifiers_data = {}

for classifier_name in sorted(classifiers):
    print(70 * '_')

    # The decoder has as default score the `roc_auc`
    decoder = Decoder(estimator=classifier_name, mask=mask_filename,
                      standardize=True, cv=cv)
    t0 = time.time()
    decoder.fit(fmri_niimgs, classification_target, groups=session_labels)

    classifiers_data[classifier_name] = {}
    classifiers_data[classifier_name]['score'] = decoder.cv_scores_

    print("%10s: %.2fs" % (classifier_name, time.time() - t0))
    for category in categories:
        print("    %14s vs all -- AUC: %1.2f +- %1.2f" % (

    # Adding the average performance per estimator
    scores = classifiers_data[classifier_name]['score']
    scores['AVERAGE'] = np.mean(list(scores.values()), axis=0)
    classifiers_data[classifier_name]['score'] = scores
logistic_l1: 17.87s
          scissors vs all -- AUC: 0.92 +- 0.05
              face vs all -- AUC: 0.98 +- 0.02
               cat vs all -- AUC: 0.96 +- 0.04
              shoe vs all -- AUC: 0.92 +- 0.08
             house vs all -- AUC: 1.00 +- 0.00
      scrambledpix vs all -- AUC: 0.99 +- 0.01
            bottle vs all -- AUC: 0.90 +- 0.08
             chair vs all -- AUC: 0.91 +- 0.06
logistic_l2: 53.16s
          scissors vs all -- AUC: 0.91 +- 0.08
              face vs all -- AUC: 0.97 +- 0.04
               cat vs all -- AUC: 0.97 +- 0.03
              shoe vs all -- AUC: 0.92 +- 0.09
             house vs all -- AUC: 1.00 +- 0.00
      scrambledpix vs all -- AUC: 0.96 +- 0.11
            bottle vs all -- AUC: 0.82 +- 0.18
             chair vs all -- AUC: 0.89 +- 0.18
ridge_classifier: 26.72s
          scissors vs all -- AUC: 0.91 +- 0.08
              face vs all -- AUC: 0.96 +- 0.03
               cat vs all -- AUC: 0.91 +- 0.07
              shoe vs all -- AUC: 0.91 +- 0.07
             house vs all -- AUC: 1.00 +- 0.00
      scrambledpix vs all -- AUC: 0.99 +- 0.01
            bottle vs all -- AUC: 0.85 +- 0.10
             chair vs all -- AUC: 0.91 +- 0.06
    svc_l1: 35.46s
          scissors vs all -- AUC: 0.92 +- 0.05
              face vs all -- AUC: 0.98 +- 0.03
               cat vs all -- AUC: 0.96 +- 0.04
              shoe vs all -- AUC: 0.92 +- 0.07
             house vs all -- AUC: 1.00 +- 0.00
      scrambledpix vs all -- AUC: 0.99 +- 0.01
            bottle vs all -- AUC: 0.89 +- 0.08
             chair vs all -- AUC: 0.93 +- 0.04
    svc_l2: 83.25s
          scissors vs all -- AUC: 0.90 +- 0.09
              face vs all -- AUC: 0.96 +- 0.05
               cat vs all -- AUC: 0.96 +- 0.04
              shoe vs all -- AUC: 0.91 +- 0.08
             house vs all -- AUC: 1.00 +- 0.00
      scrambledpix vs all -- AUC: 0.96 +- 0.10
            bottle vs all -- AUC: 0.82 +- 0.17
             chair vs all -- AUC: 0.87 +- 0.16


# Then we make a rudimentary diagram
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))

all_categories = np.sort(np.hstack([categories, 'AVERAGE']))
tick_position = np.arange(len(all_categories))
plt.yticks(tick_position + 0.25, all_categories)
height = 0.1

for i, (color, classifier_name) in enumerate(zip(['b', 'm', 'k', 'r', 'g'],
    score_means = [
        for category in all_categories

    plt.barh(tick_position, score_means,
             label=classifier_name.replace('_', ' '),
             height=height, color=color)
    tick_position = tick_position + height

plt.xlabel('Classification accuracy (AUC score)')
plt.ylabel('Visual stimuli category')
plt.legend(loc='lower left', ncol=1)
    'Category-specific classification accuracy for different classifiers')
Category-specific classification accuracy for different classifiers

We can see that for a fixed penalty the results are similar between the svc and the logistic regression. The main difference relies on the penalty ($ell_1$ and $ell_2$). The sparse penalty works better because we are in an intra-subject setting.

Visualizing the face vs house map#

Restrict the decoding to face vs house

Finally, we plot the face vs house map for the different classifiers Use the average EPI as a background

from nilearn.image import mean_img
from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map, show
mean_epi_img = mean_img(func_filename)

for classifier_name in sorted(classifiers):
    coef_img = classifiers_data[classifier_name]['map']
    threshold = np.max(np.abs(get_data(coef_img))) * 1e-3
        coef_img, bg_img=mean_epi_img, display_mode='z', cut_coords=[-15],
        title='%s: face vs house' % classifier_name.replace('_', ' '))

  • plot haxby different estimators
  • plot haxby different estimators
  • plot haxby different estimators
  • plot haxby different estimators
  • plot haxby different estimators

Total running time of the script: ( 4 minutes 1.775 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 1347 MB

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