
This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.


nilearn.datasets.fetch_neurovault_motor_task(data_dir=None, verbose=1)[source]#

Fetch left vs right button press group contrast map from NeuroVault.

data_dirstring, optional

Path of the data directory. Used to force data storage in a specified location.

verboseint, optional

Verbosity level (0 means no message). Default=1.

A dict-like object which exposes its items as attributes. It contains:
  • ‘images’, the paths to downloaded files.

  • ‘images_meta’, the metadata for the images in a list of dictionaries.

  • ‘collections_meta’, the metadata for the collections.

  • ‘description’, a short description of the Neurovault dataset.


The ‘left vs right button press’ contrast is used:

Examples using nilearn.datasets.fetch_neurovault_motor_task#

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