
This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.


nilearn.connectome.vec_to_sym_matrix(vec, diagonal=None)[source]#

Return the symmetric matrix given its flattened lower triangular part.

Acts on the last dimension of the array if not 1-dimensional. Diagonal can be encompassed in vec or given separately. In both cases, note that diagonal elements are multiplied by sqrt(2).

New in version 0.3.

vecnumpy.ndarray or list of numpy arrays, shape (…, n_columns * (n_columns + 1) /2) or

(…, (n_columns - 1) * n_columns / 2) if diagonal is given separately. The input array.

diagonalnumpy.ndarray, shape (…, n_columns), optional

The diagonal array to be stacked to vec. If None, the diagonal is assumed to be included in vec.

symnumpy.ndarray, shape (…, n_columns, n_columns).

The output symmetric matrix.


This function is meant to be the inverse of sym_matrix_to_vec. If you have discarded the diagonal in sym_matrix_to_vec, you need to provide it separately to reconstruct the symmetric matrix. For instance this can be useful for correlation matrices for which we know the diagonal is 1.