
This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the class signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.


class nilearn.reporting.HTMLReport(head_tpl, body, head_values={})[source]#

A report written as HTML.

Methods such as save_as_html, or open_in_browser are inherited from class nilearn.plotting.html_document.HTMLDocument.

__init__(head_tpl, body, head_values={})[source]#

Constructor the HTMLReport class.


This is meant for display as a full page, eg writing on disk. This is the Template object used to generate the HTML head section of the report. The template should be filled with:

  • title: The title of the HTML page.

  • body: The full body of the HTML page. Provided through the body input.


This parameter is used for embedding in the provided head_tpl template. It contains the full body of the HTML page.

head_valuesdict, optional

Additional substitutions in head_tpl. Default={}.


This can be used to provide additional values with custom templates.

get_iframe(width=None, height=None)[source]#

Get the document wrapped in an inline frame.

For inserting in another HTML page of for display in a Jupyter notebook.

widthint or None, optional

Width of the inline frame. Default=None.

heightint or None, optional

Height of the inline frame. Default=None.


Raw HTML code for the inline frame.


Returns the plot in an HTML page.

open_in_browser(file_name=None, temp_file_lifetime=30)[source]#

Save the plot to a temporary HTML file and open it in a browser.

file_namestr or None, optional

HTML file to use as a temporary file. Default=None.

temp_file_lifetimefloat, optional

Time, in seconds, after which the temporary file is removed. If None, it is never removed. Default=30.


Remove the temporary file created by open_in_browser, if necessary.

resize(width, height)[source]#

Resize the plot displayed in a Jupyter notebook.


New width of the plot.


New height of the plot.


Save the plot in an HTML file, that can later be opened in a browser.


Path to the HTML file used for saving.

Examples using nilearn.reporting.HTMLReport#

First level analysis of a complete BIDS dataset from openneuro

First level analysis of a complete BIDS dataset from openneuro

First level analysis of a complete BIDS dataset from openneuro
Extracting signals from brain regions using the NiftiLabelsMasker

Extracting signals from brain regions using the NiftiLabelsMasker

Extracting signals from brain regions using the NiftiLabelsMasker